

Food For Thought

On February 26, 1993 the World Trade Centre in New York, US was bombed for the first time. It was three years before the US hosted the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia. At the time none of the countries preparing to go to the Olympics threatened to withdraw due to security reasons.

Then on April 19, 1995 Timothy McVeigh blew up Oklahoma. A terrorist attack in the US was so real that during the actual Olympics a bomb went off in the Olympic village. Since then the US and its interests have been attacked so many times that the world has lost count.

During the 1972 Munich Olympic Games in Germany 11 Israeli athletes were abducted and slaughtered by the Black September Organisation, a Palestinian liberation movement. Since then Germany has successfully hosted the 2006 FIFA World Cup. This has happened irrespective of the country’s skinheads who target foreigners and the Baader Meinhof Group which is a terrorist organization.

To add insult to injury Nazi Germany hosted the 1936 Olympics regardless of the pogroms being government policy. Barrack Obama, recently justifying his premature Nobel Award said that, “a non-violent movement couldn’t have stopped Hitler’s armies”. Hitler was slaughtering Jews but the world sent its athletes to Germany.

Maybe you are wondering why are all these gruesome incidents mentioned in relation to sport? Simple; they posed no threat to humankind because they happened in Europe and northern America. If they happened in Venezuela or Cuba any sporting event would have been moved to ‘a more secure country’. The so-called secure countries are the ones on the scope of so-called terrorists. Spain has the Basque Separatist group but that did not stop the Barcelona Olympics from being hosted there in 1992.

England, with its potent threat from the Irish Republican Army has campaigned and hosted sporting events including the ICC Cricket World Cup. Greece-Cyprus-Turkey quagmire, which is a recipe for terrorist attacks was swept aside for that country to host the last Olympic Games. For all we know the Greeks were even accused of poisoning stray dogs in *** to keep the city clean.

South Africa, based in Africa experienced xenophobic violence two years ago and immediately the events of mostly Gauteng and Western Cape made headlines there was talk that the country might lose the right to host the FIFA 2010 World Cup because the safety of foreigners can not be ensured.

Then the crime statistics were released and the foreign media speculated that the number of murders made the country unsafe to host the FIFA spectacle. Truth is, every country in the world has its own crime problems, which are either deliberately under-reported or focus is shifted to the problem at hand – like a war in Afghanistan and a possible one in Yemen. We hosted the IRB Rugby and ICC Cricket World Cup at the peak of the PAGAD and Boeremag terror.

Then last week, just prior to the start of the Africa Nations’ Cup a small terrorist group operating in the oil-rich Cabinda enclave decided to attack two buses transporting Togolese players and suddenly South Africa must justify why it has to host the FIFA World Cup irrespective of the attack in Cabinda.

South Africa owes no foreign media or travel agent any explanation or response. If anyone wants to visit South Africa they should do so without asking funny questions. What makes the hypocrisy of foreigners so sickening is that they are the same who never raised the same issues when their rebel rugby teams were visiting South Africa during apartheid in the 1980s.

The situation then was so worse that Mozambique, Angola and South West Africa (now Namibia) were engulfed in their own civil wars. The possibility of any foreign all-white team being blown by a bomb planted in Pretoria or Cape Town was so real. However they did come and today they have the audacity to question if a black-led country with a black-led Local Organising Committee can secure the tournament.

LOC Chief Executive Officer Danny Jordan was on point when he questioned if the war in Afghanistan rendered the whole Asia, including Korea and Japan unsafe. He could have mentioned that there was a terrorist nerve gas attack on a Tokyo subway in 1995 but they still hosted the World Cup years later. However the very same vigil foreign media did not touch on that. There was a rape by US Marines of Japanese women in Okinawa Island years earlier and that was not touched on as a crime situation that can affect visitors.

Every country has its own problems. It is the extent of that country’s intelligence community that determines if such a fire can be put out or not. Africa has its own unique terrorist problems like Sudanese Liberation Army, Militia for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta etc. Europe as well has its own Baader Meinhofs, IRAs etc. The US has militia organizations and the Ku Klux Klan. South America has FARC and the Tupac Amarus. The Middle East has Kach and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Asia has the Abu Sayyaf and AUM Shinrikyo.

Does that mean the world should stop meeting in the spirit of sports and allow terrorism to triumph? Does that mean the actions of the Togolese government which played on the hands of Africa’s detractors should be condemned or condoned? There is no right or wrong answer. But the yardstick that the international media uses to judge Africa, especially South Africa should be the same everywhere else. Or rather they should just purchase a political map of the world and use rulers to calculate the distance between Cabinda and South Africa, New York and Atlanta, London and Paris, Madrid and Copenhagen and then advocate from an informed position.



A 21 Gun Salute to Dennis Brutus

I used to harbor serious political ambitions, until I saw what politics did to Dennis Brutus. They first identify you as fresh, swallow you like the shark did Biblical Jonah and look for the most fucked up spot on earth to spit you out to. In the case of Brutus he was fresh because he was an activist against apartheid, he looked juicy due to his piercing probing poetry and the shark that swallowed him was named Robben Island.

However when it finally spitted him out he did not find himself in the country of his destination but back at apartheid South Afrika with all its warts. Brutus fought hard for sport isolation of the country and succeeded. He was hurt two years ago when the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Nkosazana Zuma said sports and politics don’t mix. Somewhere in his head he had a vision of the society he wanted South Afrika to become when the chickens finally come home to roost and the cattle come home from grazing the veld.

Then 1994 happened and the deal Nelson Mandela signed with the Nationalist Party was the worst ever entered into between two consenting adults. It was the same sham deal similar to the one proposed by the Middle East Quartet for a Two-State solution in Palestine. At least the Palestinians have leaders with backbones.

It was similar to two unequal people fighting, the weak one being assaulted so hard that s/he bleeds through the ears. Then at round 11 the weak takes to his feet and start administering serious punches on the stronger opponent and it looks like s/he is going to knock the opponent down. And then the referee stops the fight and declares a draw. A fucking draw – not even a technical knock out!

A draw means that the title remains with the stronger ‘champion’ and the weaker challenger leaves with nothing but an illusion of a short-lived victory. These are what the sunset clauses proposed by Joe Slovo [RIP] and signed by Mandela at the negotiations achieved. Blacks wanted land, the wealth of the country, economic participation and equality – the wanted everything in the Freedom Charter. They fought for an egalitarian society where people wouldn’t be privileged by virtue of their skin colour.

What Brutus and millions of informed South Afrikans saw with the Mandela-ANC was the perpetuation of the same status quo. The laager was not going to be dismantled but will have new occupiers flying a black green and gold flag. Fifteen years later the richest people are still the same Oppenheimers, the land, which was stolen in 1913 and beyond is still in the hands of the same thieves, the darkies participating in the economy are mere tokens like Patrice Motsepe and others. And the majority is piled up in the tender national, provincial and local municipality system, battling for crumbs. Their biggest picture is not Satrix 40 but Mercedes Benz ML 63.

That is the reason I had a problem with a newspaper that sad it was a tragedy [or travesty] that Brutus refused to embrace the ‘new South Afrika’. He was not alone; some of us have a problem embracing a sham when we know what the ideal looks like. I can’t embrace a whore when I married a virgin. The ideal that Mandela and his party swept aside to short-change so many darkies just for an opportunity to govern is not acceptable.

I met Brutus two times and everytime I spent time with him he had something important and revolutionary to teach me. Not the fake revolutionary rhetoric of the ANC-SACP-COSATU-MKMVA that only suffices at SABC screened press conferences. The real revolution that stretches from Afrika to South Amerika, Middle East, Asia and the last despotic outpost –Swaziland.

I enjoyed my times with Brutus and learnt the importance of sacrifice, altruism and international activism beyond narrow battlefields like who should be the CEO of the SABC, Transnet, Armscor or who should be in cabinet. Something bigger than a tender. Brutus understood that South Afrika will never be free until the last oppressed soul on earth has been granted self-determination.

Brutus was a poet, a soldier and a father. He was a comrade’s comrade and a realist – something many so-called comrades today are not.



Ode to a Beloved

Last week we woke up to the sad news that one prolific poet, human rights activist and sage Dennis Brutus has passed away. One newspaper said that 'the travesty of Brutus' death was his refusal to accept the New South Africa which he has fought for and even got incarcerated at Robben Island'. I was offended because the journalist never bothered to understand what made Brutus refuse to accept a sham of a deal as geniune. Before I eulogise him I decided to post this poem so you can indulge and read my rant later this week.

the road to havana

if only the travel agent told me
my heart will be tainted on the way to valhalla
my soul will be hijacked @ the gates of gehenna
that sinning will be standard as i make for pearly's
i'll feel nothing when i hurt people closest to me
innocent hearts lacerated for my failure to commit
i'm sorry sistas my one heart was torn into two
i had love for coitus but i fucked with banknotes
love letters that were written never mailed to me
still stacked in your bedroom with my physical address
i'm here baby still around my knuckles bruised in a bout
my spirit defiled my conscience shiver sending echoes of guilt

on the road to havana our only thoughts are in cigars
captain morgan & a sequel to how stella got shagged
relinguish responsibilities to a can of AMSTEL
one wonders why we chasing on these girls like mongrels
pussies are poisoned we still eat them without rubbers
later forget to floss sleep with the smell on our pubics
for sure we'll claim we been bewitched when we finally full blown
learn our folliness when we cough blood & announce our exit
only time we finally learn there're things money can't buy
for everything else there's no mastercard it's cheap plastic
afford a million ARVs but life remains elusive
losing weight without dieting our sanity departed
our trust still lies in cannabis fuck the god of a dollar

on the road to havana we yelling 'hasta la vista siempre'
bystanders wanna be us have-nots we toss fingers
we arnachists fuck the taxman our returns are semen
seal your envelopes with sperm blow fart in your office
only love we got & give to amigos of a feather
they give us guns today we share a kiss tomorrow
let's all die by RPG become heroes tonight
let's demand a guilottine if we lose the fight
get our names on heroes' acre by the break of dawn
here lies a batallion of 'fuc' the world' rebels
let's bury beef my comrades there's a battle ahead
i like this but i like it more with a tot of gin
this green is sticky fuck a koerant i stole a rizla

on the road to havana we shout 'viva fidel'
we ain't here to support we came to start our own
the love & peace movement reincarnated post lib
empty our balls in sex orgies later test 'reactive'
frame the results nail on walls like we won trophies
put the blame on the door of the white house in DC
where else to do it union buildings occupied by a denialist
act like the US government urged us on in our fuck
let's die in peace my people never point fingers
like now i'm puffing on this weed til i sneeze my own blood
have hypocrites on my back daily preaching heresy
yelling 'holy, hail mary mother of god'
where art thy love while we kneeling & we worship the cross
teach us how to pray baby 'fore we walk through your door
i urge you - join us & inherit our beefs

on the road to havana we all donning fatigues
armed with pens & papers soldiers out to kill
identified our adversaries got mug shots in wallets
they all look the same though they different races
got chromes slugs engraved with names of our own comrades
incase we fall short of our target we all commit self-death
mass-suicide my people let's emulate branch davidians
got dreams of bliss living well all multiplied by seven
indulge in fun we manufacture fuck going to heaven
since we are sinners in havana we'll all die like kebble
on the road to havana hold my hand we rebels